
Election to the membership of Public Council under State Migration Service  

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan № 816-IVQ “On Civic engagement” dated November 22, 2013, with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan № 89 on application of the law dated January 16, 2014 and with “Regulation on election of Public council by civil society institutions” approved with the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan № 171 dated May 30, 2014, election to the membership of Public Council under State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held  at the administrative building of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan located at 202 Binagadi Highway, 3123 Block, Binagadi district, Baku city, on June 30, 2017 from 11:00 until 17:00.

The representatives of civil society institutions actively participated at the election. Thus, 54 out of 60 representatives who registered at SMS on equal basis 10 days before the election as the delegates of Non-governmental organizations participated at the voting as electors.

At the end of election process accordingly stamped ballot box was opened and the votes were counted with the participation of the members of Commission and under the control of observers. According to the results of voting among the candidates 4 votes for Jamalov Shahin Valikagha, 7 votes for Zeynalova Mehriban Heydarali, 31 votes for Baghirov Kanan Sabir, 34 votes for Dadashova Shargiya Anvar, 47 votes for Mammadova Kamala Natig, 29 votes for Katanov Mammad Teymur, 29 votes for Mammadov Sahib Malik, 51 votes for Allahverenov Azer Karim and 39 votes for Gadirova Arzu Afgan were given by the electors. It should be mentioned that 70 ballots were printed and 54 of them were used. No ballot was considered invalid.

It should be noted that the newly formed Council will constitute 7 members. Thus, as a result of election the following persons, who collected more than half of votes of participants elected as the members of Public Council under State Migration Service:

1.Allahveranov Azar Karim – Chair of the “Hayat” International Humanitarian Organization;

2.Mammadova Kamala Natig – Chair of Public Union on support to Tourism and National Cuisine promotion

3.Gadirova Arzu Afgan – Chair of Evolution and Integration International Public Union;

4.Dadashova Shargiya Anvar – Member of Regional Gender Centre Public Union;

5.Baghirov Kanan Sabir – Member of Azerbaijan Child and Youth peace Network;

6.Mammadov Sahib Malik – Chair of Executive Committee of Citizen's Labor Rights Protection League;

7.Katanov Mammad Teymur – Chief of Migration division of Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.

Public Council under State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan will launch its activity by holding its first meeting within 20 days.

It should be mentioned that the first Public Council under State Migration Service was formalized with the election held on May 20, 2015. An announcement for the new election was made according to the procedure envisaged by the normative legal acts related with end of the Council’s period which consisted of 5 members and civil society institutions suggested their candidates within the defined period.  

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