
Awareness raising event on migration legislation was held in Kurdamir

State Migration Service held an awareness raising event with participation of foreigners and stateless persons, public representatives, representatives from city, settlement and village administrative territorial units of the region, employees of hotels and tourism facilities like hotel at the assembly hall of administrative building of Kurdamir region Executive Authority.

At the event held in Kurdamir which is included in the service area of Aghsu Regional Migration Department successful reforms realized in the direction of development of non-oil sector in our country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, works done for effective utilization of opportunities of Azerbaijan’s  tourism potential were mentioned. It was noted that application of “ASAN Visa” system resulted in significant increase in the number of the tourists visiting Azerbaijan. It was stressed that providing convenience and safety of tourists is one of the priorities of the policy pursued by the Azerbaijani state. From this point of view, foreigners and stateless persons who come to our country must be registered upon place of their stay.

It was emphasized that according to the Migration Code, the receiving party must ensure that foreigners and stateless persons intending to stay for more than 10 days in the country are registered upon place of their stay at SMS within 10 days after their arrival. In addition, foreigners and stateless persons can also apply in person for registration upon place of stay in accordance with the requirements of the law. It is possible to get registered by applying directly to the Service or its regional migration departments or via e-services section of the official website of SMS. In case the foreigner or stateless person changes his/her place of residence he/she should inform SMS thereon.

Broad explanatory talks were conducted by the employees of SMS on the responsibility of the receiving party in accordance with migration legislation for obeying the requirement of the legislation and preventing foreigners and stateless persons visiting our country to face any further difficulty.

At the meeting information was given on the services rendered by the Service. It was mentioned that integration of all 11 electron services rendered by the Service to the “E-government” portal was ensured.

A detailed presentation was made visually on the rules of applying for registration upon place of stay in electronic form by means of video presentation at the event.  


At the end participants’ questions were answered.

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