
An event was held for legal enlightenment of citizens in migration field in Imishly

An awareness raising event on “Legalization of foreigners and stateless persons illegally residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan, eradication of statelessness” was held for the purpose of legal enlightenment of citizens in migration field in Heydar Aliyev Center of Imishly region which is included to the service area of Shirvan Regional Migration Department with the participation of foreigners and stateless persons, public representatives, education workers, representatives from city, settlement and village administrative territorial units of the region, heads of departments and enterprises, employees of law enforcement entities, as well as employees of registration and identity card group of region police division.

At the event with participation of 130 persons in total, activity directions of State Migration Service, migration legislation, relevant provisions of Code of Administrative Offences were talked on. Later the event participants were informed on relevant procedures and documents required for registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay, extending their temporary staying period, obtaining temporary, as well as permanent residence permit, establishment and adoption of citizenship.

The issues related to legalization of foreigners and stateless persons illegally residing without documents or registration in Imishly district were analyzed with representatives of relevant administrative territorial units within the framework of the event.

At the end of the event mobile reception of the citizens was conducted, applications of 6 persons were listened. 2 of them who were residing with invalid documents were advised to apply for obtaining new passport or laissez-passer through embassy of their citizenship country in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the list of documents required for applying to SMS in order to establishing citizenship was presented to 4 persons.

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