
Information session on the outcomes of the Public Council under State Migration Service

An information session was held on the two-year-outcomes of the Public Council under State Migration Service (SMS)

At the information session activities implemented on the different directions of migration by the Public Council under SMS, which is one of the premier Public Councils established in our country and was formed with the voting held in May 2015, was remembered and the outcomes achieved was mentioned.

Deputy chief of the Service III rank state migration service counselor Parviz Musayev making a speech at the event informed about SMS which made tremendous progress over 10 years as a result of care and attention of President Ilham Aliyev. He emphasized that the Service attaches great importance to public participation. He mentioned effective cooperation with the Public Council within the past two years and stated that the activity of the Council is highly appreciated by the Service management.

Later on Azer Allahveranov, Chairman of the Public Council under SMS made a presentation. He noted that the Public Council which was established in accordance with “National Action Plan for 2012-2015 on encouraging open government” and the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Civic engagement” and completed its activity period, operated on the basis of the strategy covering the duties which is implemented on the organizational and structural (institutional), theoretical and conceptual, operational and tactical levels. The activities on the organizational and structural level included approval of regulations of the Public Council, establishment and development of relation with international and local public institutions, creation of the Council's working bodies. Special attention was attached to establishing successful relations with relevant executive bodies and conducting information exchange on this basis.

The activity on the theoretical and structural level covered preparation of proposals for the purpose of enhancing migration policy, as well as enlarging foreigners and stateless persons’ rights, protecting their legal interests, improving the legislation related with regulation of migration processes and implementation of state control over migration processes and other tasks on this regard. It was particularly mentioned that proposals were prepared in order to strengthen the policy implemented in the migration field and to ensure active public participation in this process and effective discussions were conducted in 12 meetings of the Council held during the two years. The proposals put forward were directed to the development of the strategy carried out in the migration area, improvement of the existing legislation in this field and establishment of improved performance of the Public Council.

The activities on the operational and tactical framework were mainly addressed to the solution of migrants’ problems covering the migrant-related tasks. The Azerbaijani language courses were organized for 157 refugees and asylum seekers with the help of the Public Council under SMS, 500 refugee families were provided with humanitarian assistance and 138 refugees with medical assistance. Besides, about 300 migrant children with educational problems were helped.

The Public Council under SMS paid special attention to public relations issues. Information sessions and round tables on public control were organized with the help of the Council, material were published in more than 200 press agencies referring to the Council members, official page of the Public Council under SMS was created on Facebook.

Comments and proposals were made on the issues raised in the information session dedicated to the outcomes of the Council by Sahib Mammadov, member of the Public Council under SMS, as well as Davud Rahimli, Ilgar Orujov participating with observatory status at the event and by other guests. 

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