
Meeting was held with the representatives of the UNHCR at State Migration Service

Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev met Johannes van der Klaauw, Regional Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the South Caucasus.

Service chief mentioned development of close cooperation ties between State Migration Service and the UNHCR Representative in Azerbaijan and significance of successful implementation of a number of projects. He stated that the achievement gained within the UNHCR campaign “Ending Statelessness Within in 10 years”, as well as “The Asylum Systems Quality Initiative in Eastern Europe and South Caucasus” Project (ASQIEESC) are the indicator of strengthening effective cooperation between the institutions. Firudin Nabiyev noted that enhancing collaboration between the states and relevant mechanisms of the UN is of great importance in solving problems of refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs, as well as migrants in the modern world.    

During the meeting Service chief brought into attention the rapid development of Azerbaijan over the last years under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, achievements gained in the international arena, targeted works done towards solving problems of refugees and IDPs in our country. He stressed that as a result of occupation of more than 20 percent of its territories by Armenia during the first years of its independence, Azerbaijan coped with problems of more than 1 million refugees and IDPs almost alone. However, the conflict is still going on today as a result of non-constructive approach of Armenia who ignores resolutions of the UN. Azerbaijan territory is under occupation and the people cannot return their homelands.

F.Nabiyev added that today foreigners and stateless persons who come to the republic for seeking asylum or obtaining refugee status are surrounded with care and attention. This fact is the indicator that Azerbaijan which is in the state of war sensitively approaches to the protection of the rights of not only its own citizens, but also foreigners and stateless persons and guarantees human rights and freedom in the country.

Johannes van der Klaauw recalling his visit to our republic in January of this year highly appreciated the works done by Azerbaijan Government in the direction of improving living conditions of refugees and IDPs. He emphasized the importance of further effective continuance of joint activity by the UNHCR and SMS towards elimination of statelessness cases and successful integration of the persons who obtained refugee status to the society.

Other issues of reciprocal interest were also discussed at the meeting in which assurance of fruitful continuance of mutual cooperation in the future was expressed.

Head of UNHCR Office in our country Furio De Angelis participated in the meeting, as well.

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