
State Migration Service held next event within “Human rights month” in Gakh

On the occasion of June 18 - “Human Rights Day” which is celebrated every year in line with the Order of President Ilham Aliyev, events on human rights and freedom were held in the service areas of regional migration departments of State Migration Service according the “Action plan” approved by Service chief in the framework of human rights month lasting from May 18 until June 18.

Next event was organized with the participation of public representatives of Gakh region which is included to the service area of Shaki Regional Migration Department.

The event was held at Heydar Aliyev Center operating in the region.

Speeches were delivered on “Migrant rights in the context of human rights” and “Measures taken against irregular migration and works done towards legalization”.

It was mentioned that building law-based state is one of the key directions of state policy and provision of human and civil rights and freedom is identified as a state duty in the modern development period of Azerbaijan. It was informed that the Decree “on Measures guaranteeing human and civil rights and freedom” was signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on February 22, 1998 and State Program on protection of human rights was endorsed with the Order of Head of state dated June 18, 1998. It was emphasized that multicultural lifestyle in Azerbaijan is an exceptional example of civilization in a period of religious and national radicalism, extremism, collapse of moral values and migrant problem in the world.

It was stated that necessary measure are regularly taken to promote and protect human rights in the country. Development of civil society is of great importance in Azerbaijan.

Competent officials of State Migration Service answered the questions interested members of the public representing various population groups and participating in the event which is dedicated to promotion of human rights.

On the same day mobile service was rendered in Gakh in order to facilitate application of foreigners and stateless persons residing relatively far from Shaki Regional Migration Department and to satisfy the served contingent.

The mobile service was utilized by 19 persons. Thus, 12 of them was issued permission cards for temporary and permanent residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan, 3 persons were issued references on establishment of citizenship. Moreover, 4 persons were presented list of documents to apply for establishment of citizenship, temporary and permanent residence permits, as well as work permits.

Applicants expressed their gratitude for awareness raising event and mobile service. 

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