
Events held by the State Migration Service within the framework of “Human Rights Month” 

An awareness raising event was held by the State Migration Service within the framework of “Human Rights Month” in Palace of Culture in Tovuz district, which in included in the service area of Ganja regional migration department.

At the event, which was held with the participation of foreigners and stateless persons, representatives of local business entities, relevant government agencies, education and health workers, executive regional bodies of towns and villages and municipal members, works done in the direction of provision of human rights and freedom in our country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev was broadly discussed. It was noted that as envisaged by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, foreigners and stateless persons staying in the Republic of Azerbaijan may enjoy all rights and must fulfill all obligations like citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan if not specified by legislation or international agreement in which the Republic of Azerbaijan is one of the parties.

At the event, the audience was broadly informed about the works done for legal stay and residence of foreigners and stateless persons in the country, and their engagement in paid labor activities on legal grounds.

Officials of the Service and regional departments delivered speeches on “human rights and international norms in the field of migration”, “events held on fight against illegal migration and works done in the direction of legalization”, “administrative liabilities envisaged by the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Azerbaijan and latest amendments made to the migration legislation”, “services (registration upon place of stay, issuance of permits for temporary and permanent residence and issuance of work permit) rendered by the State Migration Service for foreigners and stateless persons, as well as determination of affiliation to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan, adoption, restoration and revocation to the citizenship.”

Mobile service was rendered by the State Migration Service on the same day. 28 applicants benefited from the opportunities provided by the mobile service. 1 of them was issued temporary permission cards, 2 persons were issued references on establishment of citizenship. Documents were received from 2 persons for determination of affiliation to the citizenship, and from 1 person on establishment of citizenship. List of documents was presented to 8 persons on issues of citizenship and to 2 persons on permits for temporary stay. Requests of 8 persons on various issues were responded in compliance with the requirements of the legislation.

Lectures on “the rights of migrants within the context of human rights” and “the importance of informing migration process participants about their rights and duties in the fight against illegal migration” were delivered in Haydar Aliyev Center, operating in Shabran district, which is included in the service area of Khachmaz regional migration department.

By delivering speech at the event officials of the Service and regional departments noted that all the provisions of the third chapter of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan composed of 48 articles, which identified in itself the provision of human and civil rights and freedoms as a supreme goal of the State, has been written in the spirit of respect for man, his dignity, rights and the highest value has been given to human rights and freedoms.

It was noted that in connection with the amendments made to the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2016, the unanimous vote of the Azerbaijani people to the proposed changes on 26 September reflect their attitude towards the policy of President Ilham Aliyev. According to the results of the referendum, addendum and amendments made to the constitution aim to improve protection mechanism of human rights and freedoms, develop activities of the political governance institutions and strengthen democracy. 

It was brought to the attention that protection of the rights of foreigners and stateless persons who come to the country on legal grounds and legalize their residence, as well as labor migrants who carry out paid labor activities on the basis of work permit, and the necessary measures related to illegal migration is being carried out successfully by the State Migration Service. 

At the end of both events, questions of interest to the participants were responded. 

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