
The meeting held at the State Migration Service with representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross

Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev met with Bjoern Rahm, Protection coordinator at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Elena Azmone Sessera, the head of ICRC representative in Azerbaijan.

At the meeting, the mutual cooperation between the ICRC and the SMS was discussed and an exchange of views took place on the projects implemented by this structure, their implementation mechanisms and other issues.

F. Nabiyev noted that over the past 14 years, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan has developed at an accelerated pace and has become one of the most influential countries in the world. The economy of Azerbaijan is one of the most rapidly developing economies in the world. Tolerance available in Azerbaijan is set as an example to the whole world, where representatives of different nations and nations live together. So far, no events have been recorded in Azerbaijan on religious, national, ethnic and racial grounds. Even those who left Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 1990s have now returned to the country.

Chief of the Service also broadly informed the guests about the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the history of this problem, the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons in our country. He drew attention to the fact that, due to the unconstructive position of Armenia, no progress has been made so far in the direction of resolving the conflict. He said that 1 million 200 thousand of our compatriots still live the lives of internally displaced persons and refugees.

The issue of Azerbaijani civilians - Dilgam Askerov and Shahbaz Guliyev, who while visiting their native lands and the graves of their loved ones in the Kelbajar district, occupied by Armenian armed forces, were taken hostage by the Armenians and, in relation to whom, a "verdict" was subsequently pronounced by the separatist regime was touched upon at the meeting conducted in the atmosphere of mutual dialogue.

Chief of the Service reminded the failure of the UN Security Council four resolutions on the liberation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, and the return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their native lands.

F.Nabiyev spoke about the work done by President Ilham Aliyev in the direction of improving the social, living conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons. He recalled the great experience of our country in solving the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons.

At the meeting, the global migration crisis that is taking place in the world, as well as the importance of international cooperation in resolving this crisis was highlighted. Talking about the relations and joint activities conducted with international organizations to address the problems of vulnerable people, chief of the Service noted that over the past period, a thorough work was carried out to improve the quality of asylum systems in our country. The necessary conditions have been created for the exercise by foreigners and stateless persons of their rights and freedoms. Along with this, assistance is provided for children of foreigners and stateless persons to receive preschool or secondary education, as well as the necessary medical and legal assistance together with the relevant state authorities.

Talking about the migration legislation of Azerbaijan, F. Nabiyev brought to the attention specific facts of simplification procedures under the Migration Code related to the stay and residence of foreigners and stateless persons in the country, as well as the issuance of work permits. In accordance with the Code, persons applying for refugee status and persons, who have been granted refugee status in our country, do not need to obtain a work permit for carrying out paid labor activity. At the same time, persons applying for refugee status, as well as those who have been granted refugee status, are voluntarily accommodated in the Detention Centers for Illegal Migrants of the Service that meet modern standards. All this is an example of the humanistic essence of the Azerbaijani state. Chief of the Service also added that doors of the centers' are open to all international organizations and diplomatic missions wishing to familiarize with the conditions created there.

While expressing satisfaction at the level of cooperation between SMS, ICRC and the Red Crescent Society of Azerbaijan, Chief of the Service pointed out the importance of committing steps to expand ties, and also noted the agreement signed with the Red Crescent Society of Azerbaijan in 2013.

Expressing gratitude for the detailed information, the guests gave information about the ICRC, as well as the activities of this structure in the Republic of Azerbaijan, and talked about the work done regarding the prisoners, the missing persons, and the support provided to the people living in the front-line regions. They highly appreciated the work realized by the Azerbaijani government dealing with refugees and internally displaced persons, brought to attention that the ongoing development and progress in the country is evident.


At the meeting, an exchange of views took place on other issues of mutual interest.

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