Vusal Huseynov Afgan
Was born on January 12, 1980 in Baku.
2001 – received bachelor degree on General Economics from Azerbaijan State University of Economy. 2002-2003 – has enrolled in military service in Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 2003-2005 – received masters degree on International Economic Relations from Azerbaijan State University of Economy. 2008-2012 – continued his education in the faculty of Law of Baku State University and obtained Lawyer specialty. 2010-2011 – attended masters program of John F.Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University and received masters degree on public administration.
2005-2010 – lead adviser and senior adviser in the Secretariat of the Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Fight against Corruption. 2007-2009 – engaged in pedagogical activity in Azerbaijan State University of Economy and Khazar University. 2011-2012 – worked as adviser and senior adviser in “Migration and citizenship issues” section of the department of the Administration of the President of Azerbaijan dealing with Law-enforcement bodies. 2012-2015 – Secretary of the Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Fight against Corruption and senior adviser of the department of the Administration of the President of Azerbaijan, dealing with Law-enforcement bodies. 2015 – elected to the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 5th challenge, from 91th Ujar election district as the candidate of New Azerbaijan Party. April 20, 2016 – appointed as the member of Supervisory Board of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication by the Order of the President of Azerbaijan. April 23, 2018 – appointed as the chief of State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the Order of the President of Azerbaijan. With the Order 1051 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 16, 2019, he has been awarded high special rank of III rank state migration service counselor. With the Order 2537 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 17, 2021, he has been awarded high special rank of II rank state migration service counselor.
International experience
Since 2012 – Head of Azerbaijani delegation in the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption. 2012-2017 – National Coordinator of Open Government Partnership International Initiative on Azerbaijan. Since 2015 – member of Board of Governors of International Anticorruption Academy. 2015-2018 – deputy chairman of Azerbaijani delegation in European Council Parliamentary Assembly. 2018 – elected as the deputy chairman of Legal Affairs and Human Rights committee of European Council Parliamentary Assembly and member of Judges’ election committee.
Fluent in English and Russian languages.
Married, has two children.